Academic Program Overview

Teaching methods

Teaching Is Imparted through lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, ward clinica, proctica! classes, Held visits and surveys on oral health problems. Teaching aids a moinly boised on projeciors, multimedia system

Student attendance

Student attendance is recorded in attendance registers of concern departments.

Attendance is compulsory. Students are eligible to appear in the Professional BDS Examinations under University of Dhaka. Only, if they have minimum 75% attendance in classes and completed ilems, cards eic. in the respective subject.

An academic calendar and curriculum is provided to every student in each academic year.

Eligibility for appearing in the Professional Examination

  • Minimum 75% altendance in classes.

To completed items, cards, ward, dinical class etc.

  • Must be possed two term examination in each year.
  • To paid college outstanding dues.

Total Academic Years: Five years + One year internship.

Student Assessment

Student assessments are made through periodic examinations (card completion, ward final term examinations and percentage o attendence of classes)

Professional Examination

  1. There are 4 Professional examinations conducted by University of Ohaka.
  2. Ist Professional Exam. at the and of 1 ½ yeor.
  3. 2nd Professional Exam. at the end of 1 year after passing Ist Professional examination.
  4. 3rd Professional Exam. at the end of 1 year after passing 2nd Professional examination.
  5. Final Professional Exam. at the end of 1½ year after passing 3rd Professional examination
  6. Ist year to Sth year: Students are required to hove minimum 75% ettendance in classes and secure 60% marks in aggregate in the periodic examinations. Satisfacion

behaviour and conduct be certilied by the concerned heads of the departments.

  1. BDS degree is awarded lay the University of Dhaka when students passed all subjects of the final professional BDS examinations.
  2. Request for defoulter student is not acceptable os per medical ethics.


Students who have been awarded the BDS degree by the University of Dhaka have to undergo one year mandotory internship training ot the Bangladesh Dentel College Hospital for final registration with the Bongladesh Medicol and Dental Council (BM&DC). Internship program is conduced as per BM&DC prescribed rules in log book


Admission to the Bangladesh Dental College is through Ist year. The number of seats ovailoble per yeor is 70 (Seventy) al present. Admission is bused on merit. 5% students are given free studentship under the guide line of poor and meritarious queta. Admission criterias are made and controlled by Director General of Health Service (DGOHS).

Necessory notice for admission of students is published in the daily newspaper/college website & college notice beard.

Payment Structure:

For Local Student:

Prospectus: TK. 200/- (per student/per form)

During Admission: TK. 10, 000,00+ Tk. 1,44,000 ( Internship fee) Total Tk. 11, 44,000/- only.


  • Tuition Fee: TK. 10,000/- ( Ten Thousand ) only per month.
  • Professional Exam fees will charge when required.

Eligibility of the foreign applicants:

As per the admission policy for foreign students made by the Director General of Health Service (DGOHS). Candidates must have a non- Bangladeshi passport.

For Foriegn Student:

Eligibility of the foreign applicants:

As per the admission policy for foreign students made by the director general of health service (dgohs). Candidates must have a non- bangladeshi passport.

For foriegn student:

  • Total fee US $ 35,000 (Thirty-five thousand us dollars) + internship US $ 1,500
  • During Admission: US $ 15,000

Rest of the fees to be paid in 4 (Four) installments

  • 1st Installment: US $ 5,000 ( Have to be paid before professional Exam)  
  • 2nd Installment: US $ 5,000 ( Have to be paid before professional Exam) 
  • 3rd Installment: US $ 5,000 ( Have to be paid before professional Exam) 
  • 4th Installment: US $ 5,000 ( Have to be paid before professional Exam) 


Professional Exam fees will have to pay by the student

• US$ 1,500 ( one thousand five hundred US dollars) – if the candidate wishes he/ she can get waver of the internship fee, in that cose he/she will not be entitled to have internship allowance

Physical Fitness:

The selected candidate for admission must have physical fitness certificate from BMCH.

Free Studentship: As per Govt. Circular.

Readmission: In case of absence for consequitive 3 months absent,an amount of Taka 10,000/- must be paid as readmission fee.
• In case of cancellation of admission, Tution fee up to completion of course must pay by the Student.

Physical Fitness:

The selected condidate for admission must hove physical fitness certificate from BMCH

Free Studentship: As per Govt. Circular.

Readmission: In case of absence for consequitive 3 months absent, an amount of Taka 10,000/- must be paid as readmission fee

 In case of cancellation of admission, Tution fee up to completion of course must pay by the Student.

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